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M. A. Evans Academy
345 Edwards Ave
Macon GA 31204
(P) 478.745.0333 (F) 478.745.2080
*All requirements are due at time of
All students must be in the school’s uniform beginning on the first day of
school and during the school year. *Boys do not have to wear ties daily, but
mandatory on the first day of school.
The required dress code includes the following:
Girls |
Boys |
The School
Uniforms can be purchased from
can also be made over the phone at 1.877.94Cookies(877.942.6654). Please
use Code GPSEA When ordering.
Please remember
we must have updated contact information at all times. A lack of updated
contact information may possibly impact your child’s enrollment status. We
will be operating under the CDC guidelines at all times We are looking
forward to a great school year.
Students are asked to bring a book bag and two (2) towels to be used for
linen during naptime. NO ROLLING BOOKBAGS.
We are looking forward to a great school year

First Graduating Class
Pictured is the first graduating class of M.A. Evans Academy - April 1986.
Gantt's Pre-School
Gantt's Pre-School - 345 Edwards Avenue, Macon, Georgia. 31204: Email:
M. A. Evans Computer Lab
Students enjoying learning with computers.
M. A. Evans - Classroom Safety
Safety first. New methods of learning while having fun!

At M. A. Evans Academy we consider it a pleasure and a great privilege and responsibility to work with your child. We strive for academic excellence, yesterday, today and tomorrow.