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Hours of Operation
M.A. Evans
8:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
After School Program
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Gantt's Preschool Start Date
M.A. Evans Academy
Download Arrival & Dismissal Information For Gantt
Click on the link below or call to order.
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First Graduating Class
Pictured is the first graduating class of M.A. Evans Academy - April 1986.
Gantt's Pre-School
Gantt's Pre-School - 345 Edwards Avenue, Macon, Georgia. 31204: Email: ganttspreschool@gmail.com
M. A. Evans Computer Lab
Students enjoying learning with computers.
M. A. Evans - Classroom Safety
Safety first. New methods of learning while having fun!

At M. A. Evans Academy we consider it a pleasure and a great privilege and responsibility to work with your child. We strive for academic excellence, yesterday, today and tomorrow.