Page Title goes here

Provide a short description of your web page here, using bright bold pre-styled fonts with colors that stand out ... to quickly attract the attention of your visitors.



Hours of Operation M.A. Evans

8:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

After School Program

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Gantt's Preschool Start Date

M.A. Evans Academy

Download Arrival & Dismissal Information For Gantt Pre-School

Click on the link below or call to order.


phone:  877.942.6654




Describe the photo or the page it links to

Product Catalog

The catalog page is layed out as an example of how you can set up your product sales page. This page does not use an ecommerce shopping cart solution although there are many ecommerce solutions available. This catalog page is a simple table based layout that includes the PayPal 'Add to Cart' button. The PayPal button is created on the PayPal website, then inserted into the product page. If you wish to use PayPal buttons you would need to sign up for a PayPal account. You can then edit the properties of the included PayPal buttons, or use a PayPal button wizard tool to insert the buttons for you.

The 'View Large Image' link opens a lightbox window which displays a larger product image and description.  

Select your products

Product Name
Price: $9.99
product image 1

Description: Product details go here

Product Name
Price: $9.99
product image 2

Description: Product details go here

Product Name
Price: $9.99
product image 3

Description: Product details go here

Product Name
Price: $9.99
product image 4

Description: Product details go here

Product Name
Price: $9.99
product image 5

Description: Product details go here

Product Name
Price: $9.99
product image 6

Description: Product details go here

copy new product table here




image1 image2 image3 image4

First Graduating Class

Pictured is the first graduating class of M.A. Evans Academy - April 1986.

Gantt's Pre-School

Gantt's Pre-School - 345 Edwards Avenue, Macon, Georgia. 31204: Email:

M. A. Evans Computer Lab

Students enjoying learning with computers.


M. A. Evans  - Classroom Safety

Safety first. New methods of learning while having fun!

themed object



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At M. A. Evans Academy we consider it a pleasure and a great privilege and responsibility to work with your child. We strive for academic excellence, yesterday, today and tomorrow.