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Registration for 2020/2021 School Term will be February 6, 2021 (appointment only) at The LJ Adult Day Care Center 395 Edwards Ave. Macon, GA 31204 10:00am until 3:00pm.
Gantt’s Pre-School
345 Edwards Ave
Macon, GA 31204
(P) 478.745.0333 (f): 478.745.2080
Registration for School 2021/2022
Ages 3 & 4 Requirements
Certified Birth Certificate
Immunization Certificate Form 3231
Dental Vision and Hearing (NOT REQUIRED)
Copy of Social Security Card
Registration Fee (Non-refundable): $90.00 cash or money order
*All requirements are due at time of registering.
All students must
be in the school’s uniform beginning on the first day of school and
during the school year. *Boys do not have to wear ties daily, but
mandatory on the first day of school.
The required dress code includes the following:
Girls | Boys |
The School Uniforms
can be purchase from Buckhead School Uniforms, 2941 McManus Rd.
Macon, GA 31220 478.314.6555
We are looking forward to a great school year.
Mrs. L. G. Evans
*Must have all requirements at the time of Registration
The child must be 3 years old by July 1st for
Pre-K3 and 4 years old by December 31st for Pre-K4. We accept children that will be 4 years old
after September 1 ("late birthday")
Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
Immunization Certificate Form 3231 REQUIRED
Copy of Social Security Card REQUIRED
$80.00 Registration Fee (Non Refundable)
All payments
must be Cash or Money Order only. NO CHECKS accepted.
All requirements are required at
the time of registering.
Gantt’s Pre-School
345 Edwards Ave.
Macon, GA 31204
Supply List
**Please label all
your child’s supplies and clothing. We will not be responsible for
lost items.
Coloring Books- Big Pictures (2)
ABC Writing Pad (2)
Jumbo Pencils (4)
Box of Jumbo Crayons (2)
Crayon/Pencil Box (1)
Storage Box (1-crate style)
Towels (2)- **to be used at naptime
Book Bag- No roller Bags
Facial tissue (2 boxes)
Paper Towels (2 rolls)
Clorox Wipes (1 container)
Ream of Copy Paper- size: 8 ½ by 11
Baby Wipes- (1 container)

First Graduating Class
Pictured is the first graduating class of M.A. Evans Academy - April 1986.
Gantt's Pre-School
Gantt's Pre-School - 345 Edwards Avenue, Macon, Georgia. 31204: Email: ganttspreschool@gmail.com
M. A. Evans Computer Lab
Students enjoying learning with computers.
M. A. Evans - Classroom Safety
Safety first. New methods of learning while having fun!

At M. A. Evans Academy we consider it a pleasure and a great privilege and responsibility to work with your child. We strive for academic excellence, yesterday, today and tomorrow.